2019 ... But those the silent feel are beautiful For soprano, ensemble and electronics FORMATION voice, piano, e-organ, percussion, violin, cello, bass/ contrabass clarinet, piccolo/ flute, electronics DURATION 7’30” FIRST PERFORMANCE November 11th 2019 at the Salzburg Mozarteum’s Solitär PERFORMERS NAMES Ensemble Suicide Circus Version for Bass Clarinet and Cello solo, ensemble and electronics FORMATION bass cl. solo, vcl solo / 1 alto fl. (+picc.), 1 bass cl, 1 bar. sax, 1 trp in C, 1 trb, perc. (bass drum, timpani, 4 tub. bells, 1 Cuica – 1 player), 1 e-guit, 1 pno, 1 celesta (+toy pno.), 1 vla, 1 vcl, 1 cb / Electronics (4 channels) DURATION 10’ FIRST PERFORMANCE 7th June – Geneva, Switzerland PERFORMERS Premiere by Marie Mercier (bass clarinet), Laure Magnien (cello), Ensemble 21 of the High School of Music Geneva, Guillaume Bourgogne (conductor), Nicolas Roulive (electronics), David Poissonnier (sound engineer)